Pre-Run Nutrition

Author: Kyra Arsenault

Disclaimer:This blog is intended to provide some nutrition information, of course everyone's bodies & preferences are so different so take in this insight with a grain of salt. If you’re interested in more 1:1, individualized counseling, please reach out via the contact me tab of the website! Happy reading :) 

Hi everyone! 

Thank you for checking out my blog, I'm so happy to have you here! 

I hope everyone is enjoying the long awaited pumpkin spice and apple pie season as we creep deeper and deeper into the fall. I personally could not wait this long, and have been making apple pie since July. Because we should always honor our taste buds!  

Speaking of pie, today I wanted to talk about arguably the most important part of running, the reason we can move our bodies and let our hearts and legs run wild: Fueling. Fueling our bodies for optimal health and performance.

We are going to touch on every aspect of this concept.

These first 3 posts will be about "how." How am I supposed to eat before, during, and after my run?

After that, we can hone in on "why." What happens if I don't? Why is it so important?

So today, let's talk about fueling before a run.

If you are having a meal before you engage in any type of movement, you want to give your body 2-3 hours to digest before hitting the road.

Our bodies may also benefit from having a smaller snack within an hour of a run.

While protein, fat, and fiber are essential parts of your diet, the most optimal pre-run snack to have is low in those categories, and high in simple carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are our body & brain’s favorite, main source of energy! Simple carbohydrates are easier for the body to digest quickly and use as fuel immediately, while fat and protein may sit in your stomach, and foods high in fiber can tend to make you need to take a pit stop in the bathroom. We've all been there, and it is not a pleasant feeling! 

Some examples of simple carbohydrate snacks include:

  • Granola bar

  • Toast/bagel with jam (white bread)

  • Goldfish

  • Pretzels

  • Gogo Squeez Applesauce

If you are having a difficult time eating the morning before a run, try starting with something small. It's really important to build up your energy stores, known as glycogen, so that you have the fuel you need to execute a successful session of joyful movement, whatever that looks like for you. Especially after sleeping all night!

Some examples of small snacks include:

  • Plain Cheerios or Dry Cereal

  • Gatorade 

  • A couple bites of white toast with jam

If you have a long run in the morning, make sure to eat something more substantial - pancakes, waffles, a bagel with jam, and oatmeal are all solid pre-long run breakfasts.

Eating before your run is paramount to increasing stamina and endurance! Before you know it, you may find yourself on the road to an Olympic Gold. Stay tuned for the next post about fueling during your run!


SuperHero Muffins!


Long Run Nutrition